Pre-Game Meals

Hello, Eagles' Families and Fans! The road to success on the football field doesn't only involve intense training and strategizing; it also begins at the dinner table. That's why we're extending an invitation to all of you to contribute to Edgewater Pre-Game Meals for our Freshman, JV, and Varsity games. This is more than just about food; it's about creating a support system that our young athletes can rely on, especially when gearing up for a big game.

Just like in football, every role counts when it comes to nutrition. A balanced, energy-packed meal before a game can be the key difference between a good performance and a great one. These meals don't just provide the much-needed fuel for our athletes to perform their best but also serve as a vital team bonding time. It's when they gather around the table, sharing laughter, discussing strategies, and creating memories - all while building the camaraderie that defines the spirit of the Edgewater Eagles.

So, be it a hearty lasagna, a robust chicken and rice dish, or a colorful salad packed with nutrients, every contribution counts! It's about giving our players the nutritional boost they need to dominate the field while fostering unity. Remember, a team that eats together, wins together! So, come join us in nurturing our players with not just food, but love, support, and team spirit. Let's make all Edgewater Pre-Game Meals count!

As our athletes compete on the field, let's compete for them off of it. 

Support Edgewater Football. They need us!

As our athletes compete on the field, let's compete for them off of it. 

Support Edgewater Football.

They need us!
