Donate to

Edgewater Football

Clicking button will send you to an external website to make donation via school pay.

Thank you for considering Edgewater's Football program!

We understand there are plenty of things you can do with your hard earned money, and we're honored that you're considering donating to our team. Your support means a lot to us, and we know it's going to be put to good use here at Edgewater. Thank you!

You'll be redirected to OCPS' school pay system after clicking the button below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. For those looking to contribute via corporate sponsorship, click here.

As our athletes compete on the field, let's compete for them off of it. 

Support Edgewater Football. They need us!

As our athletes compete on the field, let's compete for them off of it. 

Support Edgewater Football.

They need us!
